The Middle of In Between started as an idea and concept in the summer of 2012 and it came from the idea that we all believe in something.

At the time, I needed an outlet to write about my professional work experience and a platform to share and communicate with others.

Sharing a portfolio of the work you put together helps a reader/visitor/consumer figure out who you are and want to be/become and perhaps, just maybe, you can partner together on projects.

At one point, I was consistently attending a specific happy hour meet-up, but one day when I showed up, a concept just…clicked in my brain: I realized I had nothing to offer others in attendance who were showing up.

I took this photo and the tulips represent the idea of the promise to bloom.

I took this photo and the tulips represent the idea of the promise to bloom.

It was then that I fine-tuned (re-evaluated) not just where I was showing up but how I showed up, and my purpose for being in the space/room.

I started bringing a video camera with me and recording who was there and I talked to people about why they were showing up…for no reason other than because I could.

Allow me to back up for one minute and explain what you just read:
Whether or not we choose to believe in our own ideas is one thing. Acting on producing something from an idea is another. Know this: you’ll never feel like doing anything that you know you need to do.

With every blog post I write, there’s usually intention. With every vlog I produce, I want there to be intension, though there will be times when I come up short.

I’m always looking for purpose, connection, and a way to continue evolving my skill set while meeting others in the process while being true and standing for what I believe in.

That is why I always sign my blogs the way I do.

Also, for me, video is the one language that comes naturally and I’m pretty great at driving conversations.

And as humans, we are meant to interact, grow, push our boundaries and limitations we've created for ourselves, do the things that scare us, build community, find our identity and feel validated.

The very phrase “The Middle of In Between” encompasses all of this, and more so, video is the one type content creation that sings to my soul like no other.

We are all in the middle of in between of figuring out what’s next, and if you don’t believe in the process of what you’re doing, then it’s time to re-evaluate.

I believe in video and helping other people, community and businesses shine.

Stand, but don't stay in the middle,
